Question Time 2019

Question Time 2019

Hello everyone! 

On Monday we had a great event at Tileyard - The Gallery with the guests Pete Ray Biggin (Level 42, PBUG) and Derrick McKenzie Jamiroquai). 

Our Theme for this event was ~Get up on stage to share your drumming issues~ 

Earlier that day we visited the Music College in London ICMP in Kilburn and we run a lecture with the drum company ASBA from Lyon France who came especially to present the amazing ASBA drum kits and the history behind the legend brand. 

The CEO of Rubix Drums - Bence Bolygo run the class in a very interactive lesson with the students from the school who enjoyed learning about the different sounds of the drums and how to tune a drum kit.

ICMP lecture drumming


Drum lesson


Big thanks to ICMP for having us! 


After the lecture, we left to a small break and straight to our event at Tileyard The Gallery. 

This time we brought 3 ASBA drum kits to launch them at the event! beautiful drum kits with an incredible sound, btw those who want to try them out they are in our studio (Rubix Drums) in our showroom. You can make an appointment with us and come for a visit! 

The event started a bit after 8 pm, started with Pete and Derrick improvisation collab and continued with question time. 

It was naturally started with the youngest brave drummer who came up and played in front of all and discussed with Pete and Derrick her drumming issues. 

Then continuing with many more was so great to hear so many different drummers and share so many issues we facing every day as drummers. 

Each person who came up to play dedicated his own style and time to show their play which was amazing to see as one big drummer's community supporting each other.

We wanted to say thank you to everyone who participated at the question time, 

To Arturia, Sabian,

To Pete Ray Biggin, Derrick McKenzie, 

To ASBA for sponsoring the event, 

To all the people who came.

Tileyard Studios The Gallery Drums

Rubix Drums is open for all our loyal customers and friends, we really appreciate it. 

See you until next time! 

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